
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Giving your rooms good design is not merely about the way things look, feel or work. It's about the moods and emotions that it evokes. To a large extent, lighting is the summation of the overall décor. So, to create the right ambience with artificial lighting systems, the right combination of beauty and utility or ease of use must be attained. Today, there are not just different types of lighting sources, there but a wide range of styles of fixtures are also available. Depending on the activities involved and the aesthetic appeal of the space, one can arrive at an effective lighting solution for the entire home.

The important factors to be taken into consideration before deciding on the lighting for different rooms are:

For the living room, you might want to provide the right lighting ambience to impress the guests, highlighting the tasteful collection of artifacts or the painstakingly arranged furniture. That's not all, lighting should be comfortable enough for people to chat or unwind.

In the hall, there should be enough lighting to enable the kids play or maybe soft lighting to allow the family to enjoy the home theatre or music system.

For the kitchen, one needs a general lighting condition, which can help cooking, vegetable cutting and other related activities. Sometimes, there is a need to highlight the pantry and breakfast counter with varied intensity of light.

For bedroom, you might need lighting that creates a romantic mood or just enough illumination to enable you to browse the net or slightly bright lighting near the dressing to help you dress for a party.

Light fixtures are available in different styles, sizes, colours and materials to cater for individual tastes. To add to the glamour many imported ones - from leading European designers to cost-effective Chinese fixtures - are now available in India. The fixtures are broadly classified as:

* Ceiling Fixtures: There are pendants, ceiling-mounted,     down lights and spotlights.

* Wall Fixtures: Comprises wall lights and spotlights.

* Table and Floor fixtures: There are table lamps, desk     lamps and floor lamps.

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